To the Only Boy I've Ever Loved | Teen Ink

To the Only Boy I've Ever Loved

September 18, 2018
By Anonymous

Dear Imaginary Fabio,


I discovered you on my first day of highschool in math class it was ironic I didn’t know you would be the one to steal my heart. I was oblivious to your existence therefore I didn’t introduce myself. Secretly hiding my infatuation with my shyness and ignorance because I too had been a receiver of the shy trait. In many ways  you embody my personality and in a way you are the male version of me and deep down I truly appreciate that. Sitting through a subject I didn’t really understand I would prepare for the embarrassment of getting called on in class and therefore face the embarrassment in front of you. As classes went by I was an inspired stalker allowing you to take my full attention. I could hardly catch my breath around you and can’t even form a  sentence in front of him. I would watch you eat humming to the rhythm of your chewing. I am not just a normal stalker I an inspired stalker meaning I regularly stalk you on a daily basis but don’t get freaked out . I am just inspired for a greater desire of your companionship. One day I will reveal the mask I have been wearing to disguise my love for you , and one day I will but sadly one day is not today.I would love to tell you the deep secrets that lie behind my shy cast. I want to be one with you because he is truly my first love. I want him to know all the layers of me and I envy your girlfriend because she has stolen you from me.  I have always expected you to be with me but reality hasn’t entered my brain yet. Truth is I used to think you liked me and used to stalk me too but I think my imagination has invaded the harsh reality. Hopefully I haven’t made things awkward but i want you to know that I will always love you and will always yearn for your love back. The past three years in highschool my deep liking of you has become love. You are my crush, you are the desire of my heart, you are my first and true love, …you are honestly and truly...

Someone I ….love

Truly Your Desperate Love ,

    Black Rose          

The author's comments:

#Determined Hopeless Romantic

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 27 2018 at 11:12 am
myaford20 BRONZE, Carson, California
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Excellent work and overall description of love.