ChatGPT: the New AI Language Model | Teen Ink

ChatGPT: the New AI Language Model MAG

April 12, 2023
By ailovera BRONZE, State College, Pennsylvania
ailovera BRONZE, State College, Pennsylvania
2 articles 5 photos 1 comment

In late 2022, an artificial intelligence language model reached an unprecedented level of accuracy. ChatGPT (“generative pre-trained transformer”), a newly launched chatbot developed by OpenAI, can give you sophisticated responses to virtually every question. It has provided humans a revolutionary way to collaborate with AI. If you want, you could even try to teach ChatGPT about cannibalism.

ChatGPT is trained from a massive dataset, and it forms connections just like a human brain. In fact, it was modeled after a human brain. In an article for Zapier, Harry Guinness writes, “This humongous dataset was used to form a deep learning neural network [...] modeled after the human brain — which allowed ChatGPT to learn patterns and relationships in the text data.” It is trained to assign meaning to a string of words, and also to predict what words, sentences, and even paragraphs could follow. It can also remember what the user had mentioned previously in the conversation, so it can answer questions in the context of what was discussed earlier. This training makes ChatGPT very powerful.

ChatGPT has a wide range of applications. Some examples include recipes, relationship advice, academic advice, code debugging, essay writing, problem-solving, marketing strategies, philosophical questions, and almost everything else. ChatGPT is really easy to talk to and it doesn’t judge you. It makes you feel comfortable and can help humans in many ways. Think about how much more efficient your life could be if instead of spending hours trying to debug code, you can do it in 10 seconds. You can copy and paste it into ChatGPT and it can help you troubleshoot and save lots of time. There are so many ways that ChatGPT can help humans save time, so if humans are saving time on things that don’t need much attention, then think about all the more productive things that humans can do with their time. Humans could be focusing on more significant issues like global warming, water contamination, disease control, etc.

Not only can you talk to the original ChatGPT, but the model for ChatGPT 3.0 is open to the public, and it can be modified to create other variations of ChatGPT that can be directed toward a specific subject. WhatsApp used the model to develop a service called AI Buddy. AI Buddy is like your little AI friend that you can talk to whenever you want. Variations of GPT 3.0 are not as advanced as ChatGPT 3.5 or 4.0, but they’re still easy to use, and also very helpful.

The company that created ChatGPT, OpenAI, has another service, Dall-E2, that can create images from a prompt. For example, if you ask it to draw “a rabbit with a green bow tie,” it would generate a high-resolution image of a rabbit with a green bow tie. Not only can Dall-E2 create images from a prompt, but it can also modify pre-existing images. One main reason Dall-E2 is so engaging is that now, anybody can create astounding art in just a few seconds. While there could be potential legal issues, if Dall-E2 is used responsibly it is a great tool. Dall-E2 is not the only text-to-image service, but its capabilities are unparalleled by most.

ChatGPT represents a significant milestone in the development of AI, it can allow humans to optimize their skills through collaboration with machines, and we can now reach new levels of creativity, and clear up valuable time for humans to pursue more important matters. ChatGPT is a prominent example of technology at its finest and can paint a new style of life for humans, and can offer endless possibilities in the future.

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