The historical interpretation of the 'Great Rebellion' | Teen Ink

The historical interpretation of the 'Great Rebellion'

November 22, 2022
By Ana_K PLATINUM, Nyc, New York
Ana_K PLATINUM, Nyc, New York
31 articles 24 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is impossible to break the law. We can only break ourselves against the law.

As written in the perspective of a joyous Indian: 

The Great Rebellion was the war of sacrifice and feeling of our patriotic natives of India. They fought against injustice, inhumane teachings and the serial killing of the British men. Our Indians, who were forced to become soldiers to the British called ‘Sepoys’, were forced to touch their lips with the fat of the sacred cow and the fat of the forbidden pigs. This most abhorrent concoction was outside the cartridge of the new Enfield rifle that the Sepoys were forced to use. Us Indians were invoiced in protesting for a better way, our words fell deaf on those pale, white ears of those monstrous British men! Our Indians were murdered, our Muslims sewn into the forbidden skin of a pigs, others licking the red tears it wept. Another moment of silence, for the Indians, tied to cannons and blasted to their death. The others, hung on trees, trees that used to shelter us, now used to hang us. But our proud Indians will not be subdued to the British ever again! We rebelled with the power of a hundred lions, in Delhi, Cawnpore and Lucknow, and with the blessing of all our Gods, we brought the British down! Prayers to the beautiful, courageous Rani of Jhansi, Lakshmibai, may she rest in great happiness and peace as she knows that her brave work for Indian rights has been awarded! We now have the freedom to recite and believe in our religions, we get to have jobs in the government and those confounded British will now keep their nose to themselves! 

This war was sparked because of the horrid actions of the British. We were forced to use their new rifles, meaning we were forced to use cartridges covered in the fat of pigs and cows. Though we were given the ‘white man’s word’, we will not, and never, trust a world, a syllable that comes out of their putrid mouths. The British that hypnotized us to believe that they were fair, kind and equal. We fell on our knees in happiness as they said they were going to help us ‘poor, helpless Indians’. They have not: these British are taking over our beautiful mother country, they took over our emperor, they lived on the deaths of us Indians. Even their Queen Victoria, (who is not worthy of an equal title to the greatest Queen Lakshmibai) was disgusted by the brutal actions of the East India Shipping Company. These people, killed us, massacred us in hundreds, in thousands! Sewing us into pig skins, hanging us on trees, making us lick the blood of a pig’s, making us taste the grease of cows and pigs, and, worst of all, tying us onto canons and firing them! No words can describe the inhumanity of the darkest period in India. No words. But the pure feeling interred in the bones of our patriotic Indians brought the British down on their knobbly knees. Our sheer determination and strength prevailed; we have won!

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