The Scientific Revolution | Teen Ink

The Scientific Revolution

May 22, 2021
By juamxbocool BRONZE, Midvale, Utah
juamxbocool BRONZE, Midvale, Utah
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The Scientific Revolution was a really important change that took place in the 16th and 17th centuries. It was saying like this flood of information coming to people all at once with new ideas to fix problems and make life easier. the first part that the scientific Revolution affected or I guess you could say the first particular niche was astronomy. The first-ever telescope was made and it was decently big and ever since the first telescope was modernized it to make it more useful to see farther and those types of things, due to the invention of the telescope we can now see planets and stars which opened new doors to what we thought about space. Because of the telescope, a scientist was able to figure out that the sun doesn't rotate around us but we rotate around the sun and that we aren't the only planet out there in space there is a world in the great beyond just waiting to be discovered.

The next thing the Scientific Revolution affected was physics and mechanics. During this time a man named Galileo wanted to make math solve everything and he was able to derive the law of free fall. one of the rules he made or laws was: “since a body in motion tends to remain in motion, projectiles and other objects on the terrestrial surface will tend to share the Motions of Earth, which will dusk be imperceptible to someone standing on earth.” Then came Newton. He was able to come up with two important components of the Scientific Revolution that we know of today: the mechanical philosophy and the mathematization of nature. Newton was also able to figure out that why is it that when sunlight hits a glass prism you get Spectra of colors from that white light pretty cool right?
Then came the advancement in chemistry and that's not even the biggest part of the Scientific Revolution but I do feel obligated to tell you. This is when we discovered what atoms were, what chemicals were, and things like protons, neutrons, electrons, Etc. Most chemists before that time thought that the Earth was made of four elements which were air, earth, water, and fire. Now when chemistry and mechanical philosophy are put together they alter the situation by providing chemists with a shared language. The reason they did this is that mechanical philosophy was already implemented in a lot of other things, so guess chemists decided to try it out themselves.
now you're probably asking yourself: “ why are you telling me this?” the reason I explain to you what was the Scientific Revolution was to show you how it made a domino effect causing new items to be made in the future one of them is the solar panel and how here in Utah we now have a solar panel farm that produces clean renewable energy all the time of course when I mean all the time I mean when the sun is out. but before I start explaining to you where we're at right now I have to take you back to 1839 which was the point in time where we humans figured out the solar photovoltaic effect. and this point in time a French physicist named Edmond becquerel only 19 at that time noticed that when an object is hit with life there is a voltage which is kind of crazy because he never knew that this would be the foundation for the solar house especially for the solar panel Farm here in Utah which is revolutionary. now let's go a little bit into the future Define the next groundbreaking research on solar energy which would be 1883, an American inventor named Charles Fritts came up with a design to use a thin layer of gold that would produce energy from the Sun but there is always that but he was limited to the technology of his time. so it was only 1% efficiency which is not a lot close to nothing but hey it was a great start. Then after that people just give up because well anybody would just give up if they noticed that it's only 1% energy efficient to produce energy from the Sun they would rather just work on other projects that might make them money sometime soon, now we're going to go all the way to 1954 Where three men named David Chapin, Calvin Fuller, and Gerald person. What they did is that they made the world's first photovoltaic solar cell, In English terms that means that they were the first to make a device that converts sunlight into electrical power which later pushed the conversion efficiency from 4% to 11%. And of course, before it even makes a difference people are trying to make money on the solar cells so by 1955 a company called Hoffman Electric makes these solar cells at 10% efficiency and sells them at $25 per cell. so to show you how much that is now if they were to try and sell their company would cost over four million dollars in our currency standards. 2001 started becoming clear that Australia was looking for a new energy source decided to try out yep you guessed it solar power which they were placed on their roofs and they would get tariffs as high as 60c/kWh. and now we're here in 2020 I wouldn't say it's the best year but it is kind of the age of solar power because now a lot of objects or things that we use in our modern-day have solar panels it may not be everything we owned but luxury things, say like luxury jets, luxury cars, and in some cases even States and counties!
Officially One can say that solar panels are the best invention that mankind has made yet. the reason I believe this is because solar energy or power plants do not produce air pollution or greenhouse gases saving the environment from global warming and other natural disasters Like accelerated sea levels that make them higher and just because the sea levels so many cities are buried beneath under water and we only have three tents of the land here on Earth so the higher the water gets the less we humans have to grow crops to live in, but we can't just stop using vehicles and not use electricity electricity is used in our modern-day lives whether we like it or not we need to charge our phones we need to use our vehicles that's why solar panels are now taking over because if you've heard of the new Cyber truck coming out it has solar panels on its back that way you don't have to charge the Tesla all the time and you can go long distances with it and you're not using gas at the same time which is also saving the environment you're not causing pollution and until we can figure out a way to solve global warming all we can do is to try to minimize our effect on it that way we have more time to figure it out. Although to try and be more unbiased one must know that the fluids that are contained in a solar panel if they are leaked they could be very harmful to the environment. and with these concentrated sunlight powers that we haven't made this can create a solar beam so powerful that insects or birds at 5 I can die instantly so that's two things that we should probably take to consideration when we're talking about solar panels but I didn't that I'd say it helps more the environment that hurts. Oh and because we aren't using toxic pollution we are also helping the environment by using solar power says he can't eat here and Utah we are one of the highest polluted States and we make that pollution and the pollution doesn't go away because the same thing that keeps us safe from tsunamis and natural things like that is also the reason why the pollution is stuck here in Utah.
Now enough about solar panels and solar energy and how that works let's move on to the next best thing that the Scientific Revolution has made possible with the help of Elon Musk, yes Elon Musk the creator of Tesla hello to some people it's not such a big thing but to others, it's quite fascinating. The reason Elon Musk founded SpaceX was that you wanted to reduce the transportation cost to give us the ability to finally colonize Mars. He has big hopes that we could get there someday and so the year SpaceX was founded was May 6th, 2002 which was approximately 18 years ago. The thing that SpaceX right now is trying to achieve is being able to go to a planet and land on the planet vertically and then being able to leave once again and come back to earth and land vertically that reduces the amount has money they had to spend on metal building the ship because if they can keep the metal they don't have to invest in more. Another thing SpaceX has been able to do is that they save a lot of money on launching satellites and the way they do that is that they have a ship I believe it was called the dragon and so they put the satellite in the dragon and so once the dragon is shot into space it all open and the satellite will come out and then it'll close again and then come back down to earth land vertically and just wait for it to be needed again and refueled. Elon Musk is trying to do with SpaceX or I'm pretty sure they have done is they now with their new and final version of the Falcon 9 which is a rocket it can go around the Earth in minutes so they are planning I'm just having launching pads around the world and if you need to go somewhere quickly well it's hopping on it and go wherever you need to go maybe you go from the US to China in 10 minutes and not break the bank having together every time you travel. another thing they are trying to do is they are trying to make it possible so they can take tourist to space terrorists who don't have any experience being an astronaut and things like that but so they can go and experience what it's like to be next to the Moon to fly around the moon or even around the Earth yes the very planet we are standing on right now. And to elaborate more about how much money exactly does SpaceX save compared to NASA other rocket companies although NASA is the main one it would usually take a normal company like NASA 95 million dollars just to launch one rocket and then they'd probably throw it away afterward because well the truth is not very useful afterward and it probably gets destroyed. but because SpaceX was able to figure out how to vertically land in a rocket and they reuse the parts that need to be well fixed I guess you would say it brings down the cost to 30 million dollars which is still a lot of money the average American makes 40 Grand so that's literally nothing compared to what you need to launch a rocket but it's still crazy how they were able to divide the original number by 3 it just shows that the world is changing it started with the Scientific Revolution. And just to conclude SpaceX is revolutionizing the world although I did have a Starship prototype explode after it trying to land but that's how most things in life are defeated into you finally succeed SpaceX is going to be able to succeed in the future we just need to wait.










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