No Limit | Teen Ink

No Limit

March 5, 2019
By enjoy SILVER, Tirana, Other
enjoy SILVER, Tirana, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What is infinity? It is not a number, it does not really exist in the real world, and we don’t actually have actual proof of it but then what is it? Indeed, infinity is not actually a number but the term itself expresses boundlessness or limitlessness, and today it is used to represent a lot of advanced technologies that work considering infinity as something present and real, not just as a simple word. Also, another name for infinity is lemniscate, which comes from algebraic geometry and is a plane curve with a characteristic shape, consisting of two loops that meet at a central point (“Infinity”, Merriam-Webster).

The earliest recorded idea of infinity comes from Anaximander, a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher who lived in Miletus; he used the word apeiron which means infinite or limitless. Later on, John Wallis, an English clergyman and mathematician,  developed this idea even more and made infinity part of mathematics, which nowadays is one of the most used concept in solving different problems while pretending it is a number. While solving these kind of problems, the infinity concept is used as a representation of all the R (real numbers) group or other groups of numbers like N (natural numbers) or Q (rational numbers). Without it, a lot of other mathematical concepts would fall apart like the pi (∏) that we all know, or e (℮) knowing that they continue infinitely and  are the basic information about mathematics, making a trail of other formulas and theorems that wouldn’t exist without them (“Infinity”, Wikipedia).

"It's highly controversial and dubious whether you have infinities in the real world," says Linnebo (“What is Infinity?”). Scientists continuously try to find this term applied to our reality. We all say that the universe is infinite, but do we really know for sure, or is it just really big. Black holes are the closest humanity has come in detecting it in real life but even for that we can’t prove if it is really true. In the center of a black hole, a point called a singularity is a one-dimensional dot that is thought to contain a huge mass. Physicists theorize that this bizarre location, some of the singularity's properties are infinite, such as density and curvature. Infinities are going endlessly but that doesn’t mean that we can’t say they aren’t complete. knowing that they have a certain order and we can predict what it is, but we can never reach the end considering it doesn’t have one. In the same time there are infinities that are bigger than the others. For e.g. there are infinite numbers between 0 and 2 and infinite numbers between 0 and 1000. They both are infinite but clearly, the latter group is much bigger than the other group.

Also, there are countable and uncountable groups of infinity, but at the same time, infinity has never been measured. How can we explain that? The countable ones are mostly numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4... (natural numbers) and so on; on the other side, the uncountable one, is like the real numbers (0,1; 0,01; 0,001; …; 0.000000000001…)  or the graph of a function that goes on forever but we can’t really count it, and of course, how can infinity be measured when it never ends. So, until now infinity is just a symbol and a term (“What is infinity?”).

Furthermore, this really used term now is seen in the Abrahamic religion, Islam. They use it as eternity, wholeness and completeness for representing the afterlife. Its symbol is used to express great love or different feelings and things that seem like they are so big that they express it as “never-ending”. However, some others from ancient understandings see it as empowerment, perfection and duality. Also, even in the bible, hell is shown as a place of literal eternal pain or torment.

In conclusion, the theory of infinity is nothing more than an abstract idea that is applied mostly in math and also used as figurative meaning in people’s dictionaries. Even though we can see and face it in a lot of different aspects it always stays the same concept. All in all, the state of being never ending is the use of infinity.

Work Cited

“Infinity.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster.  Accessed in 3 Jan. 2019.              

Google Search, Google. Accessed in 3 Jan. 2019.

“Infinity.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 25 Jan. 2019. Accessed in 3 Jan. 2019.

“The Science Behind Why the Earth Isn't Flat.” Mental Floss, Mental Floss, 10 Aug. 2018.

Accessed in 4 Jan. 2019.
“What Is Infinity?” Correlation.  Accessed in 7 Jan. 2019.

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