We Need to Continue | Teen Ink

We Need to Continue

June 10, 2018
By noufalshareedah BRONZE, Dammam, Other
noufalshareedah BRONZE, Dammam, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

After graduation comes reality, and it is one of those years that no one can imagine how difficult it could be unless they have lived it. It is one of the toughest times that I am going through, but I must give myself hope and happiness to get through it, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.

Speaking of happiness, I believe that no place, no memory and neither no person (special person) can make us happy. However, we need to keep ourselves happy to continue living our life. To be honest, I have never defined happiness in my own words not because I haven’t felt it, but because I believe that there is a different meaning of happiness that is waiting for me in future and that is what I call it hope. Hope is a simple feeling that is found in the deep roots of a person and can be defined as a part of happiness.

I can admit that now I’m hopeful to my life more than ever. I am hopeful for what is waiting for me, hopeful for tomorrow. Having god beside me through every step is one of the best feelings that I’ve felt, it made me have a moral that I can apply to my daily life which is that god wants something bigger than happiness for me one day in the future, maybe tomorrow.

I have been described in my family (sister and brothers) as a person who is over-dramatic on every situation that happens to me, no matter how small it could have been. I am that type of person who gets mad and sad or even depressed when something doesn’t go the way I want it to go. I tried to explain to them that I am not considered as dramatic person much than I define myself as a passionate person, a big dreamer and a strong woman. As time passed, I knew that life doesn’t always comes the way we want it to be, I knew that life can be our friend one day but our enemy at another. No matter what happened, I tried my best to give hope to people, so I can receive this hope from god and make my life not only my friend but also my best friend. This made me continue to try my best to live the life I wanted it to be. Passion was my key to live a hopeful life I was dreaming of. I am now capable to believe that anything happens to me in life is for a reason, a good reason. If you knew me, you would know how much of a fighter I am to every battle that comes through, and this is because I want to continue the life that I want to live not the life that I am supposed to live. Hope and passion is my key.

To be continued.

The author's comments:

I am a beginner wirter , this is my first piece of writing . My dream is to continue this piece and to let people know what happend in my life when I had hope . 

 I am looking forward to publish this article and many to go . 

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