Fate | Teen Ink


May 17, 2018
By raneem1 BRONZE, Ashburn, Virginia
raneem1 BRONZE, Ashburn, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fate is just our imagination, we use fate as a way to explain the unexlainable. Humans always need an answers we don't like unknowns there always needs to be an explanation so we throw the word fate around to help us sleep better at night. We make our own choices, and those choices have consequences, if we were to make a different choice than the outcome could be completely different. If you were to total your car because you were texting while driving, or waste all that time in a toxic relationship, you could say it was just gods plan, that you were supposed to learn something from this; I guess that's a reasonable argument, but im sure that you'll date some guy that treats you like trash again, and I'll see you texting behind the wheel again, which means you learned nothing so why would that be fate? I personal don't believe in fate, i can't believe that our whole lives are planned out from the day we are born until the day we die. I think that our choices affect whatever outcome we get, and if we were to make another choice then something completely different would happen. We plan out our own futures with the decisions we make, fate is just used to help us feel better about the poor decisons that we have made. 

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