Sense of Wonder | Teen Ink

Sense of Wonder

October 31, 2016
By BMilla BRONZE, Lannon, Wisconsin
BMilla BRONZE, Lannon, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nature is the most mysterious and most complex thing known to man because of the different things that keep on being discovered. Then there are other things that we can’t even begin to explain, so all we can do is wonder.  The human race has barely discovered the extensive emptiness of the ocean, and who knows what things could be there.  There could be new species, treasures, or even answers. 

Answers about our environment and all of the fascinating things about it is what the human race demands the most.  And some answers we can never get like why does this animal exist or why do humans exist, but we will more than likely never get those answers and all we can do is wonder why. 

The human race have been living on Earth for millions of years and one of the factors that has pushed us forward was our sense of wonder.  We wonder what is beyond the land we live in, how is our planet shaped and formed, how does the sky make certain colors, etc.  And with these questions we have progressed our sense of wonder by finding new land, going into space and seeing our planet and others, and learning about the sun and northern lights.  Then as soon we get those answers we expand our sense of wonder and move on to bigger things about the nature of our planet and space.

Our planet is home to the most intelligent species in our solar system and we got the gift of the sense of wonder.  With that we have discovered many species, locations, and artifacts in our planet.  And with our sense of wonder that’s what allows the human race to expand to greater discoveries and evolve.

The author's comments:

Nature is cool.

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