Area 51 Controlled by Government? | Teen Ink

Area 51 Controlled by Government?

May 12, 2016
By Juanabme BRONZE, Reno , Nevada
Juanabme BRONZE, Reno , Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Caution! Restricted area! No trespassing! Use of deadly force is authorized. These are just a few of the signs that you will encounter when you are near Area 51. Also referred to as Groom Lake or Dreamland, it is located north of Las Vegas near a dried up lake bed. It is a private air force base that tests out aircrafts, but that’s just what they want you to think. In reality, the government is hiding extra-terrestrial life in Area 51. In other words, Area 51 is a base full of aliens!

The high level of security is highly suspicious. For decades the base was hidden from every one. Satellite images were taken but were deleted from the government databases (Strickland & Kiger. 2007). The government has made it extremely difficult to see what is going on inside Area 51. For years map makers left out the base. Possibly because they were told to by the government? Recently, an innocent family was held at gunpoint after accidently crossing into the base. The tourists were confronted by two guards, one of which was holding a rifle, and was yelled at to stand with their hands in the air (Didymus 2016). Why so harsh?

For years, Area 51 was off the map, literally. Now it is surrounded by thousands of acres of empty desert landscape and the air force base has taken away land from public use so that snooping eyes don’t see anything. Why so alienated? It is clear that the base is so isolated because they don’t want anyone to see what goes on in the base, which includes their alien activity. For many years, hikers could hike on White Sides Peak or Freedom Ridge but they are no longer allowed to that due to “privacy” (Strickland & Kiger, 2007).  Think about all the nearby residents and neighbors of Area 51, how do they feel?

 Former Area 51 scientist, Boyd Bushman, shared his personal experiences and photos of being on the base. His job was reverse-engineering alien UFO technology for the military. Boyd also said that the aliens themselves have worked in the base and some even died (Depra, 2014). Bushman also went on to describe them, saying that they were friendly and around five feet tall. Boyd is real life proof that there are in fact aliens on Area 51 who are a part of the crew.

Those on the opposing side might say that the high security is for protection. Which is understandable, but the level of high security is a bit absurd. After all, it is a base so if there were any sort of danger, they could use there aircraft to defend themselves.  Apparently, the government is producing new planes that they don’t want others to see or replicate. According to the air force, the facility’s purpose is "the testing of technologies and systems training for operations critical to the effectiveness of U.S. military forces and the security of the United States" (Strickland & Kiger, 2007).

They might also say that, Area 51 was kept off the grid so that terrorists would not know the location and try to attack or steal any new inventions that the U.S. will use. But, you also never know who you can trust inside the base. There are plenty of people who can and will leak secret projects or people inside Area 51 and Boyd Bushman is an example of one of them. Lastly, the alien citing’s could easily be a hoax made by alien lovers to make others believe that they were real. To that I say, Boyd Bushman who is a former employee.

All in all, the government is hiding extra-terrestrial life on Area 51. Based on the high security that put an innocent family of tourists at gunpoint. To the alienation, that had the base off the grid for years and fought to stay that way. And Boyd Bushman’s personal experience on the base, is proof that they are not only real but work amongst the base. It is clear that the government is hiding something, possibly even more than we think. Who do we trust?




Jonathan Strickland & Patrick J. Kiger “How Area 51 Works" 5 July 2007. 1 May 2016
Didymus, Johnthomas-didymus. "Alien UFO Base: Tourists Held at Gunpoint." The Inquisitr News. Inquistr, 01 May 2016. Web. 01 May 2016.
Depra, Dianne. "Former Area 51 Scientist Claims Aliens, UFOs Exist. Pictures Shown as Proof [Video]." Tech Times RSS. Tech Times, 30 Oct. 2014. Web. 05 May 2016.

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