Life Isn't Perfect | Teen Ink

Life Isn't Perfect

December 7, 2008
By Anonymous

I realized something this week, something I should have realized a long time ago. I realized that even though I can’t stand my dad most of the time, that there are people with problems worse then my own. I guess I always knew this, I just never thought about it.
My life isn’t perfect, but whose is? Sure my father and I get into yelling matches and he takes jokes a little too far, but things could be worse. There are kids out there dealing with parents who are getting a divorced. Others are dealing with abusive parents. Some kids have parents who abuse each other, throwing things and yelling.
My life isn’t perfect, but whose is? Sure my father and I get into yelling matches and he takes jokes a little too far, but things could be worse. There are kids out there dealing with parents who are getting a divorced. Others are dealing with abusive parents. Some kids have parents who abuse each other, throwing things and yelling.
My life isn’t perfect, but whose is? Sure my father and I get into yelling matches and he takes jokes a little too far, but things could be worse. There are kids out there dealing with parents who are getting a divorced. Others are dealing with abusive parents. Some kids have parents who abuse each other, throwing things and yelling.
I have it good compared to some. Things could be a whole lot harsher in my house. Being the only child still left in the house, between my sister and me, makes it a lot harder for me.
My sister and I have never really gotten along; we were always the siblings that got into physical fights. You know pulling each others hair, or in her case cutting mine, slapping each other, and so on so forth.
When she went to college, I though, thank goodness. I don’t miss her all that much, maybe it’s because we never really got to know each other. She has always seen me as the little kid, who talks too much for her own good. I’ve always seen her as the stuck up, preppy, mean girl who was always putting me down.
There are good qualities about both of us that the other can’t see, but we both know it’s true. I love my sister, I really do, just like I love my dad, but it’s hard knowing that we just can’t get along.
I know that one day we won’t dislike each other as much as we do now, but there are some people out there who won’t have that in their future. I used to feel sorry for myself, pity myself for that matter. I don’t anymore.
I don’t pity those who have worse lives then me. In my mind pity is just a way for someone to feel better about themselves, while making it seem like they feel bad for others. No I feel there pain, and I understand what they are going through.
I’m sorry that people have to go through so much stuff, even though I have nothing to be sorry for, because I didn’t cause it. To any kids, teenagers, parents, or any adults out there who are reading this, I ask you to do one thing. For one moment stop being self-centered, stop caring and pitying yourself. Think of those whose lives are worse then your own.
Just one act of kindness, even a simple smile, can brighten their day, just a little. I have promised myself that no matter what happens in my life, I will keep a smile on my face, because maybe someone will see it, and it will brighten their day. After all, smiles are contagious, and it’s an easy way to cheer someone up.

The author's comments:
My dad and I do not have a good relationship. I don't have a good relationship with my sister either. After venting it out in youth group one day, I realized a lot of things. That's why I wrote this article, because I hope to help others realize it too.

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