Society | Teen Ink


February 12, 2016
By Anonymous

The term “Society” is used with several of meanings, For example a group of people can be called a society. In a sociology, the term “society” refers not to a group of people, but to the complex pattern of the norms of interaction that arises among people. Society involves a whole gamut of relations. The structure of our society includes role, status, norms, and values, and instructions. Society may be defined as a complex of groups and relationships interacting upon one another, enabling each person to complete or achieve the fulfillment of life in a way. The society of today may be viewed as dynamically. People can say that society may be the process of stimulus response, which results in interactions, communications. In communications people infer to the behavior of another idea, or emotion of the other person. Society gives us a common understanding among people. Society consists of mutual interaction and interests. Therefore, society refers not to a group of people, but to the complex pattern of norms of interactions that arise among them. Society is like a process rather than a thing. Motion rather than a structure. People can say that society is a collection of individuals or groups united and brought together. Society can be defined as an organisation of formal relations in which individuals are brought together. Society is an organized group, and has showed a unity in the relation between its members and their behaviors. So far you can define society as  total complex of human relations with one another, and grow out actions in terms of means-end relationships. Society may be visualised as the behavior of human beings and the consequent problems of relationships and adjustments that arise among people. In the past few years society has changed dramatically. Now a day’s you walk pass by people, drive past them. Today in society we as people don't really interact with each other no more as we used to back in the past. We simply ignore other people when we pass by them nothing more than a few seconds glance at each other. In the 1900’s kids were playing outside, people greeted each other as they passed by and said hello, and having conversations with one another. But now, all you see is kids playing on their electronic devices, not going outside enough and socializing like they used to back in the day. In the society that we live in today, families don't eat dinner together or talk to each other like they used to. Music in our society revolves around drugs, crime, drinking and partying.The programs broadcasted on tv show people getting arrested, smoking/drinking. Our fashion in society has changed too. We see people showing their underwear and wearing showy clothings. Fashion has a put an image on society that everyone should have a “perfect body”. This gives most adolescents a bad representation and image. Another issue with our society is bullying. On the internet, cyberbullying has turned into a very common occurrence. Its really bad to say but it's true. Now, when people get online they are very likely to be bullied. Society has rapidly changed, over the years and has been really difficult to keep up with it. But, we as people need to reflect and see the good and bad changes that our society has created.

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