Against Gun Control | Teen Ink

Against Gun Control

February 16, 2016
By Anonymous

Guns should be banned because so many school shootings go on and so many people die for an example October 1st 2015, there was a massacre at a community college. At least 10 people died and 9 wounded. After this school shooting, it’s been marked as the 45th shooting on a school campus. January 22nd 2016, a woman was shot in Renton Movie Theater. The man that had the gun had a permit carry a concealed weapon. After the gun was shot the man had took off from the movie theater leaving the gun there. Later that night the man’s father had called 911 and turned him in the man was also intoxicated and admitted it to the police. If you have a permit to a gun does not mean you cannot be a danger to anyone. Guns should be banned in all countries. Every day in the U.S., an average if 289 people are shot. Eighty-six of them die: 30 are murdered, 53 kill themselves I believe the real problem is banning guns is the nothing will stop people from trying to get guns. However people always find a way to get what they need to break the law. I believe stopping guns is going to be the challenge because not one law has been obeyed by anyone in the country. Teens still drink, smoke, and do everything they’re not supposed to do. Especially if these adults are the ones getting these teens this Alcohol and all the tobacco they chew and smoke.

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