What If Your Soul Was Weighed | Teen Ink

What If Your Soul Was Weighed

January 2, 2016
By Idlewild BRONZE, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Idlewild BRONZE, Kalamazoo, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"But I'd rather be ridculous when everone else is than plain and simpl all by myself." Anne Shirley

 What would it look like?  Would it show an artificial life?  That is what many people are doing now days.  They are almost spending more time on their phones than with their friends.  Sometimes they even think they get their worth from “likes” and “followers.”  Every single human on this earth is valuable, but where they think they get their value from can be very different from where it actually is.  Seeking your worth from the right source is an extremely important thing to do because the actions that follow can either last in eternity or burn up forever.  People mostly get their worth from the people in their life, but many people have started seeking their value and worth from social media, and an even smaller population find it in their creator.

The people a person has around them in their everyday life are some of the strongest determiners as to how that person sees themselves or feels emotionally.  Every person deep inside, no matter what attitude they assume on the outside, wants the people around them to have a good opinion of them.  Family is a big part of self image and the amount of worth a person feels they have to others. They are the closest people and the ones they love dearly. They are the closest people one has, which makes their opinion the most important opinion to them, and that's not a bad thing.  But there is a King of kings who loves you more than you could ever imagine and by him, you are worth more than anything in the whole world.

The word of the year according to dictionay.com is identity.  They were using it in terms of gender, but it also could have also been used just as well in terms of a fake social media identity.  In fact, it could have been used for the past 10 years ever since the beginning of Facebook.  The world has started to  make false identities for themselves and started finding their worth in “likes” and “followers.”  A whole generation of people have begun to see themselves through the glasses of social media.  They live for the photos that will get them the most “likes” and make them seem popular on a smart phone screen.  Trying to find your worth on social media can be very dangerous because it is nothing more than some pictures and words, words that often be very hurtful.  If social media is all someone cares about than they have lost the true meaning of life.  Although social media can bring people together, they are never actually talking face to face.  Where would their worth come from if there was no internet?  Or what would their identity look like?  For some people it would be the person who ignores those around them just to update a Facebook status, post a picture to Instagram, or Snapchat a different friend.  This generation has been living for the “likes” that they think give them their value.  It is time for them to look up to the maker of the universe and seek and find their worth in His outstretched arms.

God shows us just how much we are worth to him throughout his Word.  In Matthew 6:25 of the NIV translation of the Bible it says, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than clothes?”  The last question in that verse can really speak to those who are focused in things, shoes, cars, or phones. If they were to focus on serving those around them and stop living for themselves they would find the real riches of life, the true gold and jewels that won't burn up in eternity.   Similarly, if those who seek love and friendship from the internet would look up and around them they would find a God who loves them with a love that cannot be separated as it says in Romans 8:37-39, “No, in all these things we are made mare than conquerors through him who loved us.  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  A love like that is worth living for. A completely inseparable love that cannot be shattered by anything we do and is not dependent on what the world thinks of you. You know you must be worth something if the Creator of the world has a love like that for you.

There are so many places that a person can get their worth from, but main ones are: people in one's life, social media, and God. Seeking your worth in the right places can give you a confidence found no where else. It can change a person's outlook on life forever and pick them up out of the life they had been living and find a bright hopeful future ahead of them.

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