The Existence of Good and Evil | Teen Ink

The Existence of Good and Evil

January 5, 2016
By Anonymous

There are plenty of examples of unfair and unjust events that occur to everyday people on a daily basis. People are shot by police and ask questions later. People are robbed and hurt and accused of crimes they don’t commit. The justice system has not always been and is still not perfect because people have learned how to manipulate the system. Every day the news shows stories of murders, crimes, injustice and evil throughout the state, country and world. The book, To Kill a Mockingbird, shows that no matter what the truth is or how hard one works to prove it, bad things can happen to good people even though they don’t deserve it and all the evidence is there to prove one’s innocence.

Even though the last century has given many rights and opportunities to black people and women there are still some obstacles that they need to jump through in order to be treated as equals. Racism is still alive and well in the United States, groups like the KKK still exists and torment black people and other races throughout our country. Evidence of this can be found in youtube videos of threats made to non-white races by white people. You can also find cases of people being shot just because of their skin color. The book, To Kill a Mockingbird, uses language that shows how people in the South used to treat black people in their community and that even though black people had rights; they were not seen as equal humans. Scout sees various scenes of intolerance and hatred by white people towards Tom, an accused rapist and African American. No one in town believed that Tom was innocent and the town drunk was more believable than he was.

Furthermore, police shootings of black victims have been occurring frequently in the news, and show that the police had no need for such force and violence against the people they were killing. Things like small children with toy guns and even unarmed teens in bad areas were shot without reason besides “fear of safety”. The book has similar situations such as a mob of people in the town trying to lynch Tom before the trial is over because they think he is guilty. They don’t care what the judge or jury says they want to commit violent acts against Tom to seek some kind of revenge. They also ridicule and attack Atticus for being the defender of a black person in a racist town. Even though Atticus was only doing his civic duty and trying to be an honest and good example for his children, he was still abused for doing the right thing. Most of the time people are chastised and made fun of for doing what’s right because it is unpopular.

After the trial was over and Tom was deemed guilty as charged, we was shot dead trying to escape his punishment. Even though, Tom was dead, Bob wanted some revenge because his character was tarnished by the facts revealed at the trial by Atticus. He attacked Atticus’ children trying to stab them. He had no real need to hurt some innocent kids, but probably felt some need for gratification and to humiliate or hurt Atticus in the only way he thought he could. Luckily there was someone there to stop Bob from killing the children, a small character but also an important one, Boo Radley came to their rescue and managed to make Bob “land on his own knife”. Boo carried the kids home to their father and even though he was responsible for the death of Bob, the cops decided to ignore that fact and say it was an accident. It can be seen in real life that sometimes people get what’s coming to them, eventually, and not all evil deeds go unpunished.

Sometimes we cannot stop the bad things that happen to us and others in our lives, but every once in a while one person stands up and takes action in the cause for good and justice. Even though some people may die or get hurt, the truth comes out. We may not always get the justice we deserve because of the system and its flaws but we may see someone else take matters into their own hands to see wrongs righted.

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school project on books and current events

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