Help for Homelessness review | Teen Ink

Help for Homelessness review

December 2, 2015
By Anonymous

In “Help for Homelessness” by the-unrehearsed, they talk about not knowing where they will end up in the world, not knowing what they’re passionate about, or where they’ll be in five years.  They explain that many high schoolers are in this situation,  and we take what we have for granted.  We complain about school, being worried about not getting into the college we want, and things like that.  They heard on the news about the “anti-homeless” measures their city has taken.  This city put spikes around public buildings to prevent the homeless from sleeping underneath their overhangs. They say that it is “an economical way to keep ‘their problems’ and ‘dirty drunkards’” away from them.  My opinion on the homeless is, everybody can become something.  People see them as dirty and gross, so they won’t hire them.  Some of the homeless could be extremely intelligent, hardworking people, but we will never know because no one will hire them. I think the homeless deserve a chance.

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