The Flag | Teen Ink

The Flag

November 5, 2015
By 6hospelt SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6hospelt SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What about the flag moves people? Why do people think it's so exceptional? Strength and courage shown throughout the years, persevering in the American flag through turmoils such as World War II, and rebuilding from collapses like The Great Depression.  The flag represents Americans and the things we have been through.  There are many countries around the world with plentiful rights, but none of which even come close to being truly as free as us. 

The flag shows our origins and why we are fortunate to live in America.  We have freedom of speech (which means we can say what we want, when we want, and about whoever we choose).  In another country, if I said something demeaning about the leader, I could be arrested or killed solely for speaking my mind. 
The second amendment, our right to bear arms.  It is a privilege given to us for recreation and so that we can protect ourselves in time of need.  The troops overseas are fighting for what they believe in and are laying down their lives so others don’t have to.

On September 11, 2001, the worst attack on U.S. soil, killed just under 3,000 people.  Everyone remembers where they were that day, and everyone remembers what they felt when they saw it on the news.  It was this tragedy which caused immense damage, but we rebuilt and have been made stronger because of it.  The flag still flew, though many were lost, which gave people a sense of security and hope for the
It's more than just stars and stripes, it is an icon of what we have been through and what we have sacrificed.  It has made us stronger as a country and has united us when we needed it most.  The flag provides us something to look up to. It gives strength, courage, and bravery to those who have nothing unites people who have lost everything.  It is the symbol of us.

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