Objectivity | Teen Ink


May 28, 2015
By Nick Kim BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
Nick Kim BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Objectivity, by definition, is the state of being unbiased. As discrimination and stereotypes which contradict the idea of objectivity are not welcomed in our societies, objectivity is valued in almost all situations. Websites are evaluated based on how unbiased their information is, and judges are selected according to the degree of their impartiality. Although objectivity is widely promoted, I believe that objectivity can never be fully achieved in the sense that the same rays of light are viewed in varying ways when they enter different people’s eyes. In other words, everyone has dissimilar beliefs and values stemming from various backgrounds. It would be more beneficial for humans to accept this fact and make the best out of other qualities that we have instead of wasting time to achieve impartiality. Michael Jordan accepted the fact that his high school coaches had partiality for upperclassmen, and used his time effectively during high school through continuous, assiduous practice rather than complaining of their favoritism. Acknowledging that a completely fair society can not be established, Michael Collins was also extremely satisfied and jubilant with what he had, and never compared the public reaction to him with that of Neil Armstrong.


Accepting the reality of bias can lead to shinier clowns in the future. This is due to the fact that giving up on our hope of fairness stimulates people to attempt to make the best out of something else that they have. For instance, when Michael Jordan was a sophomore in high school, his basketball coaches showed favoritism towards other basketball players while they disparaged Jordan’s abilities and potential with a stereotype that his height will be a field of thorns on Michael Jordan’s path to the future. Rather than being dissatisfied, Michael Jordan enhanced his competence in private. Being a shooting machine that never runs out of battery, Michael Jordan was able to grow 4 inches in the summer and have an average of 25 points per game in his last two years in high school. He later became a superstar with the shiniest medals and trophies in the National Basketball Association. In this particular precedence, Michel Jordan’s apathetic attitude towards the unfair prepossession of the coaches was the root of his revered career. It is apparent that it is cerebral and wise of people to ignore unfairness and strive to get the most out of other things that they have.


In addition to greater achievements, a myriad of other things can also be gained through accepting the nature of impartiality: self-satisfaction and jubilance. In other words, abandoning the hope of attaining a fair world can lead to an exuberant and stress-free life. Michael Collins, the pilot of Apollo 11, accomplished the mission to land on the Moon with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. However, he had to remain inside the spaceship to make sure no unfortunate catastrophe takes place while his partners were leaving the first ever human traces on the Moon surface. As a result, only Armstrong and Aldrin’s footsteps on a novel planet were well-known to the media and public, leading them to the reception of Presidential Medal of Freedom following their journey. Michael Collins, on the other hand, did not get any type of attention from the media despite all the arduous work that he put into being the pilot of Apollo 11. Since an early age, Collins had a dream of becoming an astronaut. Even unimaginable adversities throughout his astronaut training, such as a strenuous rehabilitation from a fatal spinal disc injury, could not destroy his ambition. Considering how hard Collins strived for his objective, it is not abnormal to believe that he deserves as much credit as Neil Armstrong. Collins, however, did not have any kind of discontent about getting no attention from the public. Instead, he was extremely proud of the obstacles that he surmounted and his long-lasting dream that he was finally capable of achieving. Through this optimistic attitude, Michael Collins was able to attain not only a great accomplishment of his objective, but also self-respect pride and a fulfilling emotion.


Through these stories, it is proven that giving up hope for equality and objectivity can lead to better results. As people try to make the best use of other things that they have, more passionate and deeper self developments take place, which lead to outstanding accomplishments and through these, people can be proud of themselves and live without the pressure of achieving a fair society. Why waste time on something impossible to attain, if giving up on it can lead to these amazing advantages in the long-run?

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this essay about discrimination, a theme of A Raisin in the Sun. 

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