Dear Mr. Hypercritical | Teen Ink

Dear Mr. Hypercritical

April 27, 2015
By Blondedancer97 BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
Blondedancer97 BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Mr. Hypercritical,
    Are you perfect?  Is your skin flawless?  Are your teeth pearly white?  Are you a body builder under those clothes?  I doubt it.  Lucky for you, I don’t care.  Even luckier for you, a lot of people on this planet are just like me and they don’t care either.  You are so busy pointing out the flaws on other people that you seem to forget that you have your own.  Sometimes I wish I was like you.  I wish I could turn your insults around and tell you everything that I hate about you, but those insults wouldn’t be about your appearance.  Your bitter heart is much more flawed.  Don’t you get it?  You deserve no respect, no kindness, no love from anyone.  You are the reason people change who they are just to become something that can’t be criticized.  But you can change all this.  You can give kindness that will spread.  It will become an incurable disease that travels through the blood stream right to the heart.  So please, please, stop judging.
                                            A Concerned Citizen

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