Animal Testing | Teen Ink

Animal Testing

February 16, 2015
By Caden.K BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Caden.K BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is a problem today whether animals should be used for testing.  Some people are against animal test because they feel that animals are being hurt and in some cases killed.  While others feel that animal testing is beneficial for several reasons.   When we look closely at this issue, there are negatives and positives, but one has to look at what is more important. Animal testing should be allowed because it can help find cures to diseases, help find vaccines, and animals don’t have the same cognitive ability as humans. 

Whether some people believe it or not testing different medicines on animals can actually help find cures for diseases.  According to this website if it weren't for animal testing we wouldnt have a cure to Ebola a disease that could of wipe out half of our population.  ‘’Thalidomide had been properly tested on pregnant animals and discovered a medical cure for Ebola’’. The reason it would kill our population is because when one person has it and they go onto a plane, that plane carries it to where they're going. But if we did use animals for animal testing it would have been really good because then we could stop it and continue on in life without happening to worry.

Animal testing has saved a lot of lives. One way it has done that is by finding vaccines for diseases.  According to this website Texas Research ‘’If it wasnt for chimpanzes we wouldn’t have a vaccine to Hepatitis C a disease that kills 15,000 people a year.’’  This means that if they didn't use chimpanzees we wouldn't have a vaccine for a disease that kills 15,000 people a year.


Animals might not have the same cognitive abilities that humans do. Some animals might have rights but the ones we use for testing do not. That means if they do not have rights,  we can test on them. According to the NY Times  article, ‘’Animals do not have rights therefore its acceptable to experiment on them.’’ It says that ‘’Animals do not have the cognitive ability or moral judgment that humans do and because of this they have treated differently.’’  That means that its ok to test on them because they don't have rights.

After all the evidence that has been presented, do you think that animals should be used for testing?  Remember what animal testing can do for you!  Animal testing can find cures for diseases, it can save lives, and animals don’t really know how they are being treated because their cognitive abilities are not the same as humans. People can help by maybe telling others the statistics on why animal testing should be allowed.

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