Some People | Teen Ink

Some People

December 16, 2014
By Braden12 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Braden12 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Some people, I suppose are of a negative thought. Some people are racists, some sexist. Some are xenophobic, some people are homophobic. Some people are radicals or even extremists.

Although some may claim distance from people such as these, it is necessary for us, in light of tragic events, to claim responsibility for the monstrosities man kind as a whole may commit separately. Realizing that no matter what, we are all human. Realizing that no one else is there to solve our problems for us. But knowing that we ourselves are solely responsible for correcting flaws in mankind's nature. For being aware that if we allow problems of recent to continue unchallenged, then that is how they shall remain for the entirety of life to come.

The author's comments:

I wrote this in response to the violence after the non indictment in the ferguson case. How people acted irashionally.

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