To Think | Teen Ink

To Think

November 6, 2014
By wrtrgrlAnne BRONZE, Niagara Falls, New York
wrtrgrlAnne BRONZE, Niagara Falls, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

      To think of yourself as no one, an outcast, the one who doesn't belong, to see others around you, people who seem to care but feel all alone; to be broken and cold with no where to go, to be truely alone.  When your fake friends desert you there is one who still stays, to think they cared from the moment you met; to think there was truth in everything they told you. To imagine they will be there always, to think, to know, to care.

The author's comments:

Again, this is off thetop of my head; I'll just say this right now, I put my heart into everything I write and can't wait to hear what you have to say about 'To Think'

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