What You Should Really Be Afraid Of | Teen Ink

What You Should Really Be Afraid Of

October 29, 2014
By Emminey BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
Emminey BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If the living can be spoken ill of, why not the dead?"~Unknown

I am not afraid to die.

I don’t believe that dying is something to be scared of. Dying is an inevitability that we are all aware exists. Some people feel pressured by the realization, and so they  refuse to acknowledge it. They live life unaware of their limits and their impending decimation. Others see it as something fearsome yet avoidable.They find this natural event scary and, to instill hope back into them, allow themselves to lose rational to a certain extent. When people feel powerless, they will believe virtually anything as long as the result gives them more control over the situation. These people will live their lives without actually living. They perform their actions based upon others decisions and not their own desires. I’m not ridiculing these individuals for their choices and reactions. Everyone has a will of their own and may live life how they choose. I personally just believe that death is not what should be feared. The idea of drifting away up to Heaven, down to Hell, or even into nothing shouldn’t be flinched at. I do not even think that how you die should invoke major anxiety. Personally, for me, the thing that warrants concern and even fear is who I die as.

I don’t need to die as much. I don’t expect a grand parade or a statue to keep me at rest in the afterlife. I would not even be upset if some saw me as a bad person after I was gone. All that matters is that I die as me. When I am gone I want  my individuality to continue to remain in tact. I refuse to be a statistic because the idea terrifies me. Dying from a car crash or an Ebola epidemic is something I will not stand for. I don’t want my face, my voice, my accomplishments to be wiped away because of how I became deceased. If that were to happen, I wouldn’t be able to acknowledge a meaning to my life. If the only way you are remembered is as the 20% of teen drivers killed, then you are not really being remembered, in fact, you have most likely already been forgotten.

The author's comments:

My opinion on the real fears that should plague society these days. 

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