Society Killed the Teenager | Teen Ink

Society Killed the Teenager

October 29, 2014
By Lillie Ferrer BRONZE, National City, California
Lillie Ferrer BRONZE, National City, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine by John Lennon

   Imagine there's no countries

         It isn't hard to do

     Nothing to kill or die for

       And no religion too

     Imagine all the people

       Living life in peace...

Imagine a world without hate. As we walk by each other in the mornings, we stop to say hello and give each others compliments. Imagine a world with no war, just peace. Imagine a world where you can go to work or school and you feel confident in your skin instead of feeling like you're being judged. Imagine watching the news and not hearing someone killing themselves. It's all positive. Just imagine our world with people who are more confident than insecure. Imagine.

Society judges us for every decision we make. People commit suicide because they get bullied. When I say people, I’m talking about teens. Teenagers become depressed because they feel like no one cares about them. When teens dig a hole,  get stuck and can't find a way out, it can lead to an addiction, self harming, drinking, doing drugs, etc. They start that one addiction to numb the pain, get their mind off the world, feel better about themselves, feel alive again. Their grades start to drop because they feel like they have no future.

You may feel like someone is really happy and go home to a happy house when really it's all an act. Their smile is actually a big fat lie. It's a cover up for the breakdowns they have at two a.m. crying, wishing they could be dead. They may say they're fine, but that’s also a lie. According to, the average person tells about 200 lies a day or 73,000 a year. By the age of 60, you have told about 4,380,000 lies. The most common lie is “I’m fine.” When depressed teens say I'm fine, they really are not. They want to tell you everything that they are going through at the moment, cry in your arms, show you their scars and tell you that they really aren’t fine. They don't though. They are scared that you will treat them differently. To be honest here, I hate crying in front of people. I hate complaining about my problems. I hate it because people honestly don't care. You look like you're asking for attention. You look weak and I hate that. I know three things: 1: I'm complaining right now, 2: you think I'm asking for the attention and 3: you might not care.

We blame society, yet fail to realize that each and everyone of us makes up society. Everyone needs to know that we are each living, breathing, human beings. We all have to deal with our own struggles. We all go home and stare in the mirror wishing to be someone else. We all try to fit in. We are all trying to find a place in this world. We all have our own struggles.

Why go out of your way to make someone’s day worse when you could simply move on with your life or, even better,  just to mix it up a little, help someone out for a change. People just want to live their life and be happy without being judged. It's sad how hard that is these days. Look at it this way: If you live in a world where everyone blames society, you might as well blame yourself. Why? Because you are a part of society too. And for those who are stuck in that dark spot right now, here’s a simple reminder to stay on track, keep pushing forward and stay focused. No matter what kind of rough spot you're in mentally, physically or emotionally, it's all temporary. Instantly throw out the negative thoughts, breathe, and stay positive. Think about this. If I offered you $20, would you take it? What if I crumpled it up? Stepped on it? You would probably take it even though it was crumpled up and I stepped on it. Do you know why? Because it's still $20, and it's worth has not changed. The same goes for you; if you have a bad day, or if something bad happens to you, you are not worthless. If someone crumples you up or steps on you, your worth does not change. You are still just as valuable as you were before. Take the risk of thinking of yourself with much more happiness, truth, beauty, and wisdom will come to you that way.

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