Yourself | Teen Ink


October 17, 2014
By JunaTharakan BRONZE, Kottayam, Other
JunaTharakan BRONZE, Kottayam, Other
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Take chances at the deepest emotional levels!

"Talk to yourself once in a day.Otherwise you may miss meeting the Excellent person in this world"
-Swami Vivekananda.

I love talking to myself....People call it madness...I call it a conversation....! Why not a chit chat with the one who knows what exactly you are-the one is 'you'.Speak to yourself,matters that can't be shared even with your besties can only be opened out when you talk to yourself about it.Mind is said to be the mirror that reflects our humane emotions and feelings.Look onto matters through that miraculous mirror of can see where exactly you have gone wrong or the source of your troubles and frustrations,something that someone else can't do it for you.Your mind can give you a perfect answer (Not always,I suppose.Can end up confused.Depends on your perspective.Just kidding! ) .It can even make you smarter like never before.

People, just think of it- you will listen more keenly when you talk to yourself.You'll see the difference,you can even improve your thinking skills.Feel the change.Figure out the awesome person within you! It can be of a silent conversation or a loud one.It's better to speak out where you  feel comfortable or a place where someone can't interrupt your wonderful talk.Or else if someone gets to know that you talk to yourself then that would pave a way for them to proclaim that you are "mad". Yeah! At least you people might be thinking that the blogger has gone mad... hehehe....told you...its a 'conversation' !!! 

The author's comments:

Felt that talking to yourself can bring out a change in our mindset.

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