Argentina | Teen Ink


May 22, 2014
By EdwardFuller BRONZE, Chula Vista, California
EdwardFuller BRONZE, Chula Vista, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cordoba, Argentina was a breathtaking place, where the gray white tipped Doves covered the blue skies, and the bright yellow sunflowers covered the mid-december fields of 2011. The first of three mornings, my dad I jumped onto the camo safari jeeps and skidded down the fresh dirt roads. The hot breeze brushing past my face, as the adrenaline started to pump through my veins. As I jumped off the jeep, I anxiously gathered all of my shooting gear. I quickly loaded two shells into the Beretta Silver Pigeon 410. over and under barrel and fired away, “Two birds down, many to go,” said Pedro.

Throwing the gun onto my shoulder and squeezing the trigger and then seeing a dove fall from the sky was a fun and rewarding feeling. By the end of the afternoon I had shot more than a thousand doves and had a once in a lifetime experience. The next morning, I could not feel my shoulder, but it was sure worth another two days of great hunting.

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