100 Important Decisions | Teen Ink

100 Important Decisions

May 16, 2014
By Anastasia19 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Anastasia19 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We are the only ones who understand each other. I am the only one who understands me. One hundred important decisions with scary consequences, and little preparation; like bombs. One hundred which have importance but are difficult. One hundred terrifying choices planted by our society. In our heads we ask them, but we just panic and try forgetting these things.

Their value is secret. They send horrible anxiety down our spine. They come up and they are dismissed, and grab the attention between dinner conversation, and bite our conscience with sharp blades and never quit their persisting. This is how it goes.

Let one not have an answer, they’d all gasp like wind in a storm, each with open wide eyes. Decisions, decisions, decisions, they all say when I sleep, they preach.

When I am too tired and too drained to keep deciding, when I am tiny voice against my parents, then it is I not deciding. When there is no hope to look at in the future.

One hundred who persisted despite fighting. One hundred who annoy and do not forget to annoy. One hundred whose only reason is to stress and stress.

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