Water is life | Teen Ink

Water is life

May 16, 2014
By Dhruv BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
Dhruv BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
War does not decide who is right but who is left...

The elixir of life, a liquid more important than oil, a magic potion through which mankind, animals and all organisms survive, a liquid which dictates life is water. Fables oft told and repeated are based on water. Strange is the one that says water that dinosaurs drank millions of years ago is the same water that falls as rain today. Tribes have called Water the king of all solvents, it is special because it is one substance from which the earth can conceal nothing; it sucks out the innermost secrets and brings them to our very lips.

This is the world’s most precious resource, sadly it doesn't belong to anyone but factories and barbaric humans use it as private sewers. It’s a liquid that sustains life but mankind has taken this god-gifted resource for granted. We have polluted and destroyed the wonderful, bountiful and exquisite water bodies. Humans have the ability to to make deserts bloom and lakes die. We have made this indispensable source of life into a malignant intolerable poison. We are ruining water-the driver of nature. The importance of water is easy to understand, water cycle is the life cycle, without which existence is a dream to far too grasp. I have never seen a river that I could not love - moving water has a fascinating vitality. It has power and grace. It has a thousand colours and a thousand shapes, yet it follows laws so definite that the tiniest streamlet is an exact replica of a river.

Our countries are relentlessly destroying the mater and matrix of life, oblivious that we are en route doom. Water like nature is graceful, elegant and kind but when agonised can become a mass destructor. People are like the boat that water can either support or overturn it. I am compelled to share an Osage saying – “When we have cut down the last tree and polluted the last river and killed the last fish will we realise we cannot eat money”. We are oblivious to the rapid destruction of water, glimpses of sad future are visible, with dams draining and lakes get polluted, every moment is priceless and immediate and effective action towards water conservation will save our glorious world.

As John Kennedy had aptly put – “Anyone who can solve the problems of water will be worth of two Nobel prizes – one for peace and one for Science”. As teenagers, we often assume it is somebody else’s problem, not for us to worry or that we are too young to create a change but wake up! We ARE the change, the world is ours and if we do not attempt to save it, it will be gone forever…

The author's comments:
In my country, millions die due to lack of water or due to disease from water - what therefore allows us to waste water, molest water bodies and pretend as though it really isn't our problem?

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