Beauty | Teen Ink


April 1, 2014
By Lindsey6876 BRONZE, Mauston, Wisconsin
Lindsey6876 BRONZE, Mauston, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What makes a person beautiful? It could be their eyes, hair, face, or overall appearance, right? While this may be a part of it, I believe that beauty is beyond looks, it flows deeper than just whats on the outside. Beauty isn’t only a pretty face, it’s a thoughtful mind, an amazing heart and a beautiful soul.

Imagine a world where flaws didn’t exist. Everyone and everything would be the same, dull and copied, but flawless. However, if flaws didn't exist neither would beauty. The beauty in one person is built upon of the flaws of others. For instance, a singer only sounds as good as they do because there are so many others that sing poorly.

How beautiful do you think you really are? We’re all born into this world beautiful, but not knowing it. It tends to stay that way for a long time. Truth is, as human beings we’ll always strive for perfection, and will never be content with what we have. You may never see yourself as beautiful, but there is always someone who will see you that way through their eyes.

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. Beauty exists in the tiniest detail, drawing the attention of only those who care to notice. For example, someone who sees only what’s obvious, might find a spider web and think that it’s disgusting. Whereas, a person that looks at what things truly are, might find that the spider web is a part of nature and every strand was woven delicately into perfection.

How would a blind person’s perception of beauty be different from your own? Sure, they don’t have sight, but they can definitely hear beautiful sounds. See, everyone has a different opinion on beauty. So don’t let it hurt your feelings if you're ever called ugly, because you're only ugly if you believe you are.

I believe all of these things are true about beauty. Whereas, some people haven't even begun to imagine that beauty is more than just another word for pretty. So the next time you go to tell someone that they’re beautiful, stop and think about what beauty really is. In doing so, you might even start seeing the true beauty in everyone and everything.

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