Eternal Youth | Teen Ink

Eternal Youth

March 23, 2014
By Nupur Mudgal BRONZE, Faridabad, Other
Nupur Mudgal BRONZE, Faridabad, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Beyond a specific age is a point when you think it is the end, the allurement,beauty and the art of attracting others has evaporated somewhere.That is the time when you can explore yourself.The word 'eternal' will not only mean, young forever physically but mentally and emotionally also.Art of happiness lies in yourself, you know you still have that capability to let people see that your age has not made you less magnificient.Getting wrinkles and sneezing fits to even getting tipsy more quickly, nothing will change your inner beauty. Your art of making others smile and enjoying life to the best of your spirit is what will let the 'youth' in you live forever. Wondering sometimes about the time when you were young and feeling nostalgic about it is no harm but crying over it because you think you have lost it and being fragile about it will surely create distress. As Doug Hutchison said, 'I think being in love with life is a key to eternal youth'. The best things in the world should be felt by heart and youth is something that we all aspire for and want to keep it forever but not necessarily through our body, it can also be through our mind and heart.Manifestation of emotions to consider yourself inferior to others because of your looks or aging is quite common today, because of this we deprive ourselves of the pleasure of enjoying life.You don't need to be a cockalorum but loving yourself is no harm. Even if you are fusty still you are an epitome of your inner self, you represent your own meaning of life. My grandmother once said,'I am not getting old its just the weather that makes me feel tired'. She is full of life, even dances when we force her, sometimes i wonder whether she is running from reality or is neglecting the truth, but now i know she just wants to live the last few years of her life to the fullest, she still dream big,she is vivacious and buoyant. Remember you are your own schatzi. We may get old but our friends do keep us young forever just spending leisure time with our loved ones makes us feel vibrant. Getting old is to challenge people to rethink what it means and take active role in our health and quality of life at every age. Its not just about living longer but also living better. Discouraging yourself sounds banal and is infact banal, thanks to our changing perspectives. Life is hard, decisions you make our tough, there are fragment of emotions that this topsy turvey world grants you with narrow minded views and disrespect when you come across this title that is given to you 'aged'. You have a partner to share your life with, you have someone to listen to you throughout then why to hear other people's notions. We all have our freedom of thoughts and freedom to live in our own way so why to let others constraint you. Remember your thoughts define you and not your seniority. You are young when you let go of things that make no sense, you are beautiful when you start feeling comfortable in your own skin. Sooner or later we all are going to die why not live then till this time flies, grab what you have now who knows what the future will have in store for you. There are so many things that we were not able to do before, why not complete them now, dreams that we gathered and hopes that mattered. We think getting old is way bad but i do not understand why don't we be pacified with what is a natural truth just because of our physical appearance and not through our minds. People say there is a cure for everything well when you are aging the cure can only be through your mind and heart, because you start getting old when you start thinking that way. When you think you are getting old go out and make new friends, dance through the night like there is no tomorrow (well you will just get a little tired if you think you are 'aged'), go on a long drive with your loved ones, laugh your heart out, do not regret the decisions you made because you can not go in the past and improve anything but you can surely dream for the future and live in the present. You all might be thinking these are few of the glorious words you often listen from people who have not even entered this phase but the fact is trying to live would not turn out to be harmful, it will help you to be even a more better and lovely person. Be crazy, be you and stay young forever

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