A Little Word Called Love | Teen Ink

A Little Word Called Love

February 20, 2014
By merritt_bjork BRONZE, Bend, Oregon
merritt_bjork BRONZE, Bend, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good.
Dr. Seuss

At 14 I feel everyone is looking for love or wanting to be loved. I am guilty of that... We all crave affection and want to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. I think every teenager wants one its just who we are. My friends and me like to say I have commitment problems because every time I date someone I break up with them and never give anyone a chance. Many times we get what we think we want and mostly that’s not what we want. We say yes to anyone just to say we have a boyfriend or girlfriend. It's like if we don't have one we feel that we are soooooo uncool. We date to make are self look better but think about the other person. I dated someone for five days and I wasn't thinking about it and I was like cool I got a boyfriend and when I broke up with him things when bad.... I never thought about how much he likes me only myself and that was a problem. The boy blocked me on everything and I just thought he had anger management and he could have but I never thought about how I hurt him in anyway. The sad thing is we never talk and we probably never will. The one thing I have notice at this age who cares date to date and have fun with it but we really need to start look at the other person and see how there feeling, It takes two people to date not just one.

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