Response to "Dear Bully," | Teen Ink

Response to "Dear Bully,"

February 18, 2014
By djl831 SILVER, Oakwood, Ohio
djl831 SILVER, Oakwood, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe school officials should focus more on bully prevention. Bullies are at every school, no matter the size and location. People tend to think that if the school is located away from the city and is a small school there are no bullies since everyone knows each other. The people that think that are wrong. A bully will always find the “safest” way to torment their victim so they don’t get caught. I believe an annual anti-bully assembly should be held at every school to teach students bully prevention. Also sometimes, a person will stop bullying somebody after seeing the outcome of other bully stories.

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