Robberies | Teen Ink


January 8, 2014
By Ja&#39Shawn G BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Ja&#39Shawn G BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are many problems in the U.S.: gun violence, bullying or cyber bullying, fights, money, gangs. But let me get to the point. Robberies is happening all around the U.S. it is starting to be a major problem. Robberies have to stop and I know you probably don’t care now but when your bank get robbed don’t cry. There are many reasons why people rob something or someone. The first reason is because they don’t have no money. Another reason is because people who do have money spend it on a lot of fancy things that people who don’t have money want so the people with no money rob people for the fancy things people with money have. The last reason is because people might think robbing is cool or fun or might be doing it to impress their friends or to show off.

People rob other people because they can’t get no money because they have no jobs. For example, the U.S. does not have a lot of jobs because it is a lot of people in the world so its not going to be enough for everybody to have a job. The second reason people don’t have no money is because when they do get a little bit of money they spend it on things they don’t need and they just keep it locked or stored away somewhere in their house.

Another reason why people rob each other is because they don’t have anything. People don’t have anything because they can never get money and i already told you why people can’t get money. Another reason people don’t have anything is because they are not smart on what they spend their money on so they have not important stuff so they rob people for the things they do need.

The last reason why people rob other people is because they are trying to show off around their friends. Robbing people is not a good thing to do and some people think that it’s in their head. But i do understand why they do it it because some people is unpopular and tries to get friends. For example, a boy was very unpopular at school so he decided to change so he can get some friends so what he did was go to the coolest kids in school and made a deal with them but the bet got him in trouble so he was cool but not in a good way. Another reason people think robbing stuff is cool or fun is because they have nothing in their life to do so they create a cyco in their head and no they have a habit of doing bad things.

In conclusion, this is why people rob other people. You may think that you don’t care about people getting robbed well you’re wrong because if you think about it, it can affect you and your community so help people get jobs and get stuff for their family but for the people who don’t have no friends I would say treat them how you would want to be treated.

The author's comments:
I got the idea of writing my essay because I noticed that their was a lot of robberies going on in the US i think my story should inspire people to help stop the robberies so people can have a better life.

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