Be Yourself | Teen Ink

Be Yourself

December 21, 2013
By Anonymous

You know something? I never really understood this phrase “be yourself.” However, that was back when I was blind and naïve to individualism, before I found things I loved that defined me. It took me 15 years and know that I have it, I never look back. Being yourself is about not being afraid to love what you love, live by your own morals, and just have fun being you. For the longest time, I’ve looked in the mirror and just saw a girl. Now I see a bright young women and a face that changes every day. I love it and I love being me. I’m not afraid to be different anymore. In fact, I’m in love with it. I always knew I was different from other people; now I finally understand how that’s possible. I define myself by the music I listen to, the clothes I wear, the movies I watch, and even my eyeliner. Now that I’ve stepped out of that mainstream illusion, I laugh at the people scared to be “weird.” But here’s the ironic thing: there is no weird. Saying there’s a weird would be like saying there’s a normal. To all you common white girls reading this, and don’t spill you Starbucks over this, but you’re just as “weird” as I am, whether you’re afraid to admit it or not. Once you really accept this, you can start living like a free individual without a care in the world about what others think of you. Let me just say, it’s spectacular.

The author's comments:
It's just the beginning. Stay tuned;).

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