Who's to Tell Me? | Teen Ink

Who's to Tell Me?

December 18, 2013
By tbenn2014 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
tbenn2014 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The American government is slowly trying to control our lives. Who is anyone to tell me what I can, and cannot consume into my own body? The government trying to control what we should eat is them stepping into our lives too much; it feels like they are trying to make us their robots.

The government is made up of people who work together to make changes in the law to help keep people safe and protected, but those people in the government trying to get rid of specific foods are fools. According to the government, we are becoming a fat country. Do I disagree? No. But Americans becoming fat cannot be blamed on just the food people eat. Over the years, people have become more careless, and they sit around a lot more. Technology has been only getting better, making things easier. With technology improving, people have to do less manual labor because technology does everything for us. Walk into a restaurant and you’ll see a single person, a couple, or a family sitting on their phones more than having actual conversation. If the government is control food because they think it’s making America fat, then why don’t they control the advancement in technology? Technology causes people to sit around and be lazy- whether they are doing productive things or just playing around with it. Technology has also brought people to be far more anti-social. People now bury their faces so far into technology that they don’t even know what is going on around them. If government really wanted us to be healthy and cared about us individually, they would be looking at much more then taking our food away.

Another issue we often look passed is how our sleeping patterns have changed. Government says that a good night’s rest should consist of eight to nine hours of sleep a night. In today’s time, that is almost impossible for many adults. Many Americans are financially struggling to keep their homes and families alive. Because many are struggling, it’s causing people to have to work more hours, or even pick up a second job. Struggling families often have to work 12 hour shifts, leaving them with only four hours of time for themselves and their families to get the required amount of sleep. If the government is that concerned about our sleeping patterns, they should raise the minimum wage so adults don’t have to work as long to earn a buck, and can have more time for activities other than work.

Young adults like me often get less sleep then we should as well. Waking up at 6AM to get ready for school and not getting home from school until after 6pm (because of after school activities) leaves us with only four extra hours to have dinner, do homework, have a conversation, and to get ready for bed. It is unrealistic. To get the eight hours of sleep, I would have to go to be bed at 10PM. I know very few high school kids that go to bed before ten at night.

The government wants us to be healthy, and to make America a better, longer living country. If that was the truth they could look at changing far more different things to make things how they want it to be. Instead they are just trying to do everything in their power to control and make us their robots.

The author's comments:
we watched a short movie "Myths, Lies, and complete stupidity" and we wrote what we though about it

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