Story of Life | Teen Ink

Story of Life

December 16, 2013
By Anonymous

Life is full of ups and downs but we must make the best of what we have. Happiness, sorrow, victory, defeat, day-night are on both sides of the coin. But do not fret life is also full of times of happiness, pleasure and success. We as a people should capitalize on the good times and not get overwhelmed by the bad. But equally one should be always ready to face adversity and challenges. A person who has never encountered difficulty sometime in their life can never achieve the goal of success people strive towards to. There is no one person on this Earth who has not experienced struggles or failure and achieved success mainly because you first experience failure in order to achieve success in life. These difficulties test our courage, strength, patience, determination and overall the true character of a person. Hard times and difficulty make a person strong and ready to face what life throws at them. This being said one’s life should not just be like walking through a meadow of roses. Thorns are also a part of life and should be accepted by us just as we accept the beautiful side of life. Those individuals who are under the impression that life is like walking through a meadow of roses are disheartened soon after and becomes victims of their own device and become victims of depression and frustration. Those who think the good times in life last for an eternity, easily submit to stress during hardships. This is because they do not put in the required time, work, and effort this they submit to pressure easily.

To sum up this story about life one must remember that life is not full of roses but is full of challenges which are the thorns which have to be faced and overcame. Those who overcome the challenges in life will experience success.

The author's comments:
I hope people realize that life isn't a walk in the park.

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