Twop Words | Teen Ink

Twop Words

November 22, 2013
By Jazzmin1 BRONZE, Mcdonough, Georgia
Jazzmin1 BRONZE, Mcdonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Words have no power I have heard, but if that is truth explain how just two “meaningless” words could be so life changing – so restraining. Two words can have such a powerful effect on one’s life. They defined a lifetime for some and ended a lifetime for others. A Random organization of 11 letters could be like a leash, exhibiting so much control, a grip that is unending-- never letting go. Two words that determined what you thought, said, did, liked, disliked, went, and how you felt. Two words that held such a grip on your life that it took something that defined you; it took the very thing that was undoubtedly yours -- Your Name.

It’s hard to imagine a world where incompetent, degenerate, and incorrigible becomes your first name and n*****, boy, and it becomes your last, where two words dictate what toilet you sat on, the water you drank, the movie you saw, the items you bought, the people you talked to, where you walked, what you learned, and what you read. It’s hard to imagine a society that utilizes two words that act as puppet masters – One step, One foot, Right, Left. Your whole life is attached to two strings. They control your every action; except these two strings, which define your very existence, are words.

It’s hard to imagine a society in which the country you were forced to work on does not constitute as yours, the country whose constitution states, “We the people of the United States”, does not include you and the skin you had no power over seems to attract hate from every angle. It seems to attract every imaginable evil and not far behind are those two words that possess enormous power on an individual’s life, actions and thoughts.

Eleven letters, four syllables, four vowels, seven consonant and only Two Words – COLORED ONLY.

The author's comments:
The inspiration behind this piece was the fact that predjudice and racism still exists. I am a witness to this in my own highschool.

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