Stopping Traffic | Teen Ink

Stopping Traffic

November 7, 2013
By Savic33 BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
Savic33 BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Although it is very disturbing to imagine, human sex trafficking is a harsh reality of our savage society. Typically young women get sold off to traffickers and are entered into the awful process of sex trafficking. These young women are forced into this illegal business at the age of 12-14 and usually live on the streets, or have abusive families that abandon them. Once the trafficker has hold of them, they abuse, rape, and drug the girls to gain control or dominance over them. As soon as he gets control, the victim can now work for him as a prostitute and earn money for the trafficker. The system of this unsettling activity is so strongly organized you wouldn’t believe. When the innocent girls are forced into the system, they are mentally brainwashed and manipulated thus they easily become bonded with their trafficker making it difficult to leave him.

It’s so sad knowing that this exists in our world today. It’s sad knowing that these girls are so twisted that they start to gain relationships with the same people that rape and torture and drug them over and over again. How can we continue to let this happen? Human sex trafficking is one of the fastest growing businesses of organized crime, and you may not know it but it occurs in your town; your city; your state; your country; and our world. Similarly to slavery and racial issues back with Martin Luther King, sex trafficking is another form of slavery and we need to put an end to it. As MLK once said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”. So even if we don’t experience the crippling effects of human sex trafficking; it is a threat to our justice and there will always be a possibility that it will affect our lives and the ones around us.

Many transcendentalist followers acted out against unjust acts through civil disobedience. My favorite is Henry Thoreau and his attitude of ‘just do it’. He wasn’t worried about how to do it or what to do, he just wanted people to resist what is wrong no matter the circumstances or consequences. If Thoreau was here today, he would definitely promote a movement to help with the issue of sex trafficking. MLK stood up against racial slavery earlier so why can’t we stand up against ‘sex slavery’. Just a few people exploring for the best and being self-reliant, we could put up a fight against this horrific criminality.

You have to be self-reliant because if you personally want to make a change in the world, you’re going to have to understand that you most likely will be making the journey on your own and you have to accept that. All Gandhi did was trust himself and speak the truth that he believed. All Thoreau did was explore himself in solitude through nature to be able to find answers about life. All we have to do is fight for what we believe is right and do what others are afraid to do. Yes people are investigating more and more about sex trafficking but no change is happening… Yes many of us know about the presence of sex trafficking but do nothing… Understand that these victims are close to, if not, hopeless. They don’t even understand themselves what is going on due to the drug abuse and torture that is inflicted on them.

The victims need confidence that they can change their life for the better and that assistance will come. These young innocent women need a voice when theirs is taken away. These victims need a father when theirs is a negative influence. Our brothers and sisters need help when there is no one to look too. So let’s follow in the footsteps of our transcendentalists philosophers and have the obligation to resist what is wrong and to journey for what is right in our cruel world. One way you can make a difference is by donating to This organization accepts donations and is currently fighting for an end to trafficking and slavery. I would advise you to go live in the woods for two years like Thoreau did to find an answer but the answer is clear! Donate today and give your voice in stopping human sex trafficking once and for all.

The author's comments:
-Sex Trafficking in Modern Society

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