The Good Student | Teen Ink

The Good Student

October 24, 2013
By Anonymous

Being a good student and getting good grades takes a lot of effort. School is already such an unpleasant place with us having to get up so early and deal with people we don’t like all day long. How can we be expected to handle the workload that we are given. It seems like each teacher forgets that we have other classes that also give work, they never consider the fact that giving us more than an hour of homework, and having seven classes means we could have over seven hours of homework. It’s just simply exhausting keeping up with all of the homework and tests, and keep a social life. In order to be a good student you don’t have to worry about all of theses things, it’s really quite simple. All you need to do is forget about or not do all of that homework, don’t pay attention in any classes, and never put any effort into your work.

Homework drives us mad. Hours and hours are spent hunched over a computer studying, typing and figuring out problems. School would be a much more bearable place if we didn’t have the fresh memory of another late night wasted on homework in our heads. So one thing a good student never does is homework, at least not in a timely fashion. Who cares if you have to rush to get it all done during homeroom, not doing it the night before opens up all that time for more important things like watching television and sleeping. The same goes for test, why study when you sort of did the homework, you will remember the information, right? All of the homework that is given just takes up way too much valuable relaxation time. It causes too much stress, and make students live much more difficult.The solution, put it off until the last second, it is much easier that way.

Another unwanted stresser is class. Most of the time it is simply more work that you don’t want to do, or listening to a boring teacher drone on and on about boring things. No one wants to listen to that, so there is really no need to pay attention. Honestly if you really need to know something that is what google is for. Paying attention is only for those who who don’t value their mental states, paying attention causes stress and takes extreme focus that drains us mentally. A truly good student doesn’t pay attention and instead uses the creativity that is vital for our mental health, they do this by doodling of course. Doodling is much more fun than paying attention. Getting that vital sleep is also better than paying attention, sleeping refreshes your body, and sleeping during class helps you be more ready for the next class.

Along with these things another overall thing to think about is effort. Putting effort into something takes energy and a good student always decides the best places to use that energy. Most of the time that place is not on homework. Most of the time a good student will use their energy on ways to get out the frustration that school as caused so that they can more easily relax during school. A good students energy is more useful if used for hanging out with friends, playing video games or eating. These things are a better option because they are more fun, no one want to use their energy on something that is not fun. So don’t waste your efforts on school there are better things you could be doing.

Most people think that a good student is someone who studies day and night, takes extensive notes in class and tries their best in everything, but they are wrong. A good student is someone who knows what absolutely needs to be done and forgets about the rest. They understand that there are more important things in life that don’t involve school work. They live their lives and whatever happens, happens. Failure is a part of life, so if you mess up a few grades its ok, it happens to everyone. Don’t let school stress you out just be a good student and live your life.

The author's comments:
It was and English assignment that I received a good grade on and I liked. It is a satirical piece.

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