It's about us | Teen Ink

It's about us

March 27, 2013
By Anonymous

This is supposed to be something to relate to us, parents and teachers say all the things they do is for us right? Then why is it when you go and try to get more help or you try to reach out they are never there. Let get somethign straight my grades arn't the best and everyone thinks it's because i don't try but noone ever reconizes the good in all the bad. If you do bad on a quiz why can't you make points up okay so what it's high school big deal doesn't mean we shouldn't get a second chance isn't school supposed to be about us? Then make it about us and let us try again people don't know what goes on at home and maybe you couldn't study enoguh for it and thus your grade faces the price. School is supposed to be focused on the kids that's the whole reason they have it but a lot of the time it doesnt feel like it.

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