Infinity | Teen Ink


February 16, 2013
By Anonymous

It scares some, excites others, and makes anyone wonder.
Infinity is too high too count, to long to say.
Infinity is everything, anything, anyone
Infinity is life.
In the time we have here, we are infinite.

There are so many possibilities as to what we can do with our time, and with the world always changing and growing and shrinking, the possibilities are truly infinite.

When I was a little kid, I thought the world was so big. I thought it was so big that there was another me out there. I thought that whenever I wrote a school paper, that it was no just possible, but probable, that some little girl in Japan was writing the same exact paper, word for word, at the same time.

When you get older though, you realize that the world is so much smaller than you thought, but so much bigger in other ways. You start to wonder just how much you can do with your time. You start to dream up ideas that, as a child, you would have thought had been done before, but they haven't been. There is no little Japanese girl dreaming up the same thing. It is yours, and you can take it anywhere you want to.

At moments like that the world seems truly infinite. You realize that you can make whatever you want truly yours. You can grow it and shape it and create a million dollar company, or a small corner store. You can help people, change people, inspire people.

And the world doesn't seem small anymore. It's infinite.

The author's comments:
Just got inspired and wrote.

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