New Beginnings | Teen Ink

New Beginnings

January 25, 2011
By moody2k12 BRONZE, Atlantic City, New Jersey
moody2k12 BRONZE, Atlantic City, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
hot mess/what u mad

Times may be hard and things might be worse. Sometimes it seem like your chips are getting much lower. When there is nowhere to turn or run and you feel like you’ve been dealt a bad hand. But the hand you’ve been dealt you can’t give back. You can’t always see the smoke through the thick black clouds. But once the clouds start to move you see part by part. Once you see all parts you develop a new outlook on the hand you’ve been dealt. Next you can start to work on that hand and things become easier for you to understand. The gloom part of you no longer starts to stand in the way blocking all that’s yet to come. Now the rain is pouring like never before. You think “oh not again.” But then it starts to shine its amazing spectrum upon you allowing you to open your mind to new and wonderful upcoming opportunities.

The author's comments:
I am currently an 8th grade student who is in the process of major transitions.

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