Politics. The worst. | Teen Ink

Politics. The worst.

November 22, 2022
By Ana_K PLATINUM, Nyc, New York
Ana_K PLATINUM, Nyc, New York
31 articles 24 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is impossible to break the law. We can only break ourselves against the law.

'We teeter above the first ring of hell, preparing to plummet faster than we ever fathomed'

- Dan Brown

Coming from Sir Lanka, of course I believe that politics are the worst.
I'd prefer anarchy, obviously.

What's the one thing you can get through teamwork? What's the most unique thing that can't be seen anywhere else?

A leader.

We sure got a leader, but we sure got no team.

Protests. Killings. Famine.

Sri Lanka was known for its exotic plants and animals, viridescent forests, enthralling Kandyan dancers, but now no more.

Now it's known for its bombings, corruption and protests.

This ravenous movements seem to have quieted down, yet behind the scenes the bad things still happen. Rumored snatches of conversation, whisps of dangers float near our ears, but we're too deaf to hear it.

If the news is back to normal, then so are we.

Ana K

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