Gender Equality | Teen Ink

Gender Equality

April 27, 2021
By Anonymous

What do you think about gender equality? Do you think in today's world or even back then it was fair for women? Were women always thought of as less? This is what we will be discussing throughout this essay.

To start off, I think women have always struggled against gender-based equality compared to men. Some things women have struggled with over the years are equality in the things we do. For example, women couldn't have the jobs that men had because they were considered weak. Women have always had the job of staying home to clean and cook. Another thing is men thinking women are less intelligent than them. They compare women and say they aren't as smart as them, but I think we all know the truth on that one! The laws were a very big deal as well. Because not only were they unfair to women but women couldn't do as much because it was a law and they could get punished. They treat women as property and not human beings. 

Let's talk about how women are viewed as the weaker gender and less intelligent than men. “But we must not forget that women are, on the average, a little less intelligent than men, a difference which we should not exaggerate but which is, nonetheless, real,” (p.350) from the article Women’s Brains. Here a man states this, but how true is it? Can he prove it? You can see how biased he is being. He thinks of women as less than men and thinks men are smarter. He then says “We are therefore permitted to suppose that the relatively small size of the female brain...” He is calling women's brains small. If men keep making these remarks about women then people start to make assumptions. And this is why people/men think women are less. 

Another topic is on supporting and protecting women. In the article Letters, which's about a couple named John and Abigail Adams it talks about how Abigail wanted men to stop having control over them. This was one of those times where she needed the law on her side and for them to be fair to women. Abigail argues that the laws should respect women and treat them more than just property. She argues that the law should be protecting women as well. She says “...and by the way in the new Code of Laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make I desire you would Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favourable to them than your ancestors.” She is saying that they shall make equal rights for women in the new Code of Laws. And they shall not forget it. She wants equality and for women to stop being treated like a piece of property. She wants to do her own things and not be held down by her husband and doesn’t want to be told what she can and can't do all because it's up to her husband to make those decisions. This shows how even the law is unfair to women and how all women want is to not be looked at as property. They want to be treated like normal human beings.   

Women are treated differently just because of their gender and that is totally wrong. Everybody should be treated equally no matter their gender. The article AIDS Has a Woman's Face by Stephen Lewis is about the inequality of women and how women are treated as less just because of their gender; “...on the ground, where women live and die, very little is changing…”, this quote is very important. They are basically saying nothing is changing for women and women live and help and support the men but then women die and nothing happens for them. Women aren't getting fair treatment and they just don't care. This is cruel and should be fixed. And that is what the women here are fighting for. They want respect and to be noticed more than just men's helpers. They treat men so high and mighty and women are at the bottom of the line. I really feel for the women back then,  even though women don't have it as hard as it once was back then we still aren't as good as men. I have personally gone through something like this. It was dealing with work and I worked very hard and this boy came along and got such high treatment. Because I was a girl they assumed I couldn't do as much as he could, but they were wrong and I left and they needed help. This is an example of how they use women and then toss them aside once a man comes along, thinking they have someone stronger and better when the truth is it doesn't matter about your gender it matters about the inside.  

To conclude without women men would be completely lost. What if women didn't cook and clean for them and do things around the house. They would be living in complete s**t. We have seen this in the modern-day world today and how men have become very messy now that women have rights and don't need to be there for men every second and act like their babysitter. Women work very hard for what they want and look at them now. Women are able to work any job that they want compared to back then when women could only stay home and clean because women were considered weak or less than men. Thanks to the strong and brave women who stood up for all the women they have gotten us so far and so many rights. Women have really shown men that they are strong and worth it and very intelligent. These articles were really good to read and educated me a lot about women and men's gender inequality battles.

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