Gender Inequality. Gender vs sex. Feminism | Teen Ink

Gender Inequality. Gender vs sex. Feminism

January 21, 2021
By maramara10 BRONZE, Bucharest, Other
maramara10 BRONZE, Bucharest, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I chose to talk about these 3 main subjects, because they have sterned controversy amongst many people, and have become a debate subject, when, in reality, it comes down to simple human rights, whom are being ignored and totally abolished by today’s white supremacy government and world.

If we were to take the term gender inequality and give a ‘by the book’ definition, we would find that it is a social process by which men and women are not treated as equal. This process rose from different aspects, such as biological differences, psychological and social norms. This also doesn’t only affect females and males, but also non-binary people, who tend to be overlooked in these scenarios as ‘non-existent’. This imbalance between males and females affects certain aspects of life, such as education, life expectancy, family life, careers, et cetera.

As a respond to this divergence betwixt the two sexes, the oppressed have created feminism. At its core, feminism is simply a group of people, male and female, who believe in equality amongst the two, in all aspects of life, such as social, political and economical balance. The western traditions which tried suppressing women’s rights have motivated them to rise and create this now global manifestation.

Feminism has also sparked its own controversy, making women who are a part of this manifestation sometimes feel ashamed of this and try to hide it while silently cheering on for their fellow women. On that note, feminism is also supporting and reinforce other women, and many miss this point. 

Another subject which goes hand in hand with gender inequality and feminism is the difference between gender and sex. The line between these has been, until now, a blurry one, but as we evolve and try to be as inclusive as we can for others who feel invalidated by the community, we realise that this gender and sex spectrum is a quite broad one, and, at the same time, completely different from each other. While sex refers to the biological differences between males and females, and is easy to define, gender doesn't come as easily. Gender can be considered an individuals identity, and it mostly refers to gender roles, and despite it being a social created spectrum, people still refuse to let their guard down and change these boundaries that have been set upon ourselves by, funnily enough, ourselves. Upon stating these two definitions, it has become clear that the two are not one and the same, and are based on completely different things. That is why the debate in which the thesis discussed is 'are there only 2 sexes' is a biologically incorrect one. Because while yes, there are only 2 sexes, they are using this argument to base something completely different, which is gender. So while the thesis would appear to be correct, the point they are trying to make with it isn't backed up by this. 

Now with all this information available for those who want to find it, of course, I am still wondering, how there still are people who wish to live in the dark age. White supremacy is keeping its place on a high horse, while even supressing one of their own, white women, who are not spared by gender inequality at all. The world has to stop, retrace its steps, see where we went wrong, and fix it. I can't even imagine the worse than now times, where women couldn't vote, have an opinion, and were only household 'objects', used to birth children and feed them, nurse them, raise them, and let them rerun the cycle. Feminism has come a long way, but the road is not over yet. 

The author's comments:

Hi, I am 16, and i am very passionate about racial injustice, gender inequality, social issues, politics and fighting for LGBTQ+ rights. I also write songs, poetry, short stories, research papers, and love to read! I am a sophomore in highschool and am dreaming of going to Harvard or Yale.

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