Endless Pride | Teen Ink

Endless Pride

October 28, 2019
By gs1123 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
gs1123 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments


I sit with my grandpa as he opens up about the two Purple Hearts he earned as a Marine in the Korean War. He chokes up and I notice tears in his eyes as he thanks me for inviting him to my middle school Veteran’s Breakfast. 

I look through photos of my dad proudly in uniform from being stationed in Missouri and North Carolina while in the Army for four years. I take endless pride in them along with other veterans…fighting for our freedom. 


In the early 1900’s when women fought for the ability to vote and today in the 2000’s it’s a right. Now, everyone’s opinion is valued and welcomed; still some people don’t take advantage of the privilege to voice it. I think about how lucky I am to live in America; land of the free because of the brave. All of the families who may have to spend another holiday without their loved one because instead they’re serving and protecting our country so we can celebrate holidays. 

Each Independence Day, I take a seat on the curb at the side of the road while red, white and blue floats drive by, kids toss candy at the crowd, our flag is waving bright and beautiful, as Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless The U.S.A.” plays over the speakers and the Wisconsinites cheers to freedom with a Pabst Blue Ribbon in hand. 


I’m so incredibly grateful for the long and hard fight people put up to get our country to where we are now, including my own father and grandfather. The freedom we have that other countries might not; to practice our own religion, to go to school, to have a big family, to get a job… to vote. These things are all privileges that our fellow U.S. citizens fought for us to have and we should show pride and gratitude by taking advantage of these things. 

The author's comments:

This essay was extremely important for me to write because it's very important that we all vote and take advantage of that right that was fought for us to have, so I explained that through this essay I wrote and gave a personal touch to it! 

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