What America is Built Upon | Teen Ink

What America is Built Upon

November 14, 2018
By bradferrd GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
bradferrd GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Two teenagers fill their stomachs with Culver’s ice cream, shoveling the Midwestern delicacy into their mouths. In between spoonfuls, they discuss political news. One believes Donald Trump was the best presidential candidate and one Hillary Clinton. Although they have contrasting views, they discuss their opinions respectfully. They openly share their opinions on reproductive rights and the legalization of marijuana. The ability to voice opinions in public without fear, is what America is built upon.

The local high school’s Musical Theater department opens their latest show. The crowd roars as students enter the stage from the wings. Just seconds into the show, the cast sings and dances to It's Not Just for Gays Anymore by Neil Patrick Harris. The number showcases sexuality. It features an openly gay soloist among with men and women embracing their flamboyant natures. When the last pose hits–symbolizing the end of the number–the audience shrilly shouts and screams. The ability to be an individual and embrace differences, is what America is built upon.

The words “Please respect the victims of Parkland with a moment of silence,” boom from the overhead speakers. The voice echoes as the sound ricochets off the walls. The school freezes, on hold for 30 seconds. Students emerge from the classroom doors, pouring into the halls. Halls moments ago used for transportation from period to period, now involve a political statement. The herd migrates to the football field, where peers give speeches regarding the attacks. Adults supporting the movement cheer from the parking lot with their signs held to the heavens. A moment of silence, a rebellion, a peaceful protest, is what America is built upon.

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