Our Experiences | Teen Ink

Our Experiences

September 28, 2018
By abbyneas BRONZE, Greenwood, Arkansas
abbyneas BRONZE, Greenwood, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In life, each and every person has a story. Everyone has a past. Some good, some bad. If a person was neglected or abused or even lost someone close to them as a child, how are they going to turn out? Are they so damaged that they turn down a path that leads them to destruction? Or, will they take their experiences, better themselves because of it, and even try and help others who are going through the same thing? This has always fascinated me- how differently people cope in these situations; how differently people turn out. Yes, some situations may be worse than others, but say there are two people. They both lost their mothers when they were young. Both of these children are going to be devastated, but how are they going to handle it? They might be so damaged because of it, that as they get older they feel lost, fall into the wrong crowd, and struggle their whole lives. They might become better people because of this tragic loss. Or, will they each go in opposite directions? What factors determine what paths these people will go down? I believe we are all born with a personality, and they develop more and more as we get older. Our experiences and the people around us play a major role in shaping our personalities, and determining what kind of people we will turn out to be. Some people are confident in themselves; some people are insecure. Some people are brave and face tough situations head-on; some people run away with things get tough. Our experiences in life make us who we are. What kind of person are you?

The author's comments:

It might seem like an odd topic, but I chose to write about this because I have always loved getting to know people; learning their stories. I am fascinated how differently people can be, and what experiences people have gone through that have helped shaped who they are today.

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