Is Marching Band a Sport? | Teen Ink

Is Marching Band a Sport?

September 27, 2017
By Alex_Dean SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Alex_Dean SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the writing titled “Is Marching Band a Sport?” written by Avery J., was very interesting. This article about marching band left me feeling intrigued and relatable. I mainly agree with this article because I am in marching band as well. I play the quads/tenors, and they are really heavy. I think marching band should be qualified as a sport because you are cheering on your team, and we actually play on the field during half time, and the article says, “It’s our job to keep the energy high at all times.” Since I am a percussionist I usually don't dance, but the other sections do. It took them one week to their dance to look presentable, and that means that it takes a lot of work to do some of that stuff like dancing, singing, and marching in general. Most of the time out of school I practice and try to get better hand speed and just better at the drums in general, so I think people who take band seriously like I do would agree with this article.

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