Ravage | Teen Ink


September 13, 2017
By MoisesGonzo BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
MoisesGonzo BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I found Gabrielle Muller's poem "Ravage" extremely moving because she had the courage to write about the secret life some kids go through at school. The way she gets so descriptive and truthful is shocking its as iif she was a victum herself. I can relate to the accuracy of this poem becasue I too have been a victum in this secret life. It ponders me how Gabrielle has taken me back to my past childhood and feels as if she was there and witnessed the struggles I went through. What really got me was how she started off sentences with "I want to talk about..." because of how it demonstrates how people know about these problems but don't find intrest in discussing about them. It is very importantfor there to be people like Gabrielle Muller, because if there weren't any; who would spreak up about these things?

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