Over a Text | Teen Ink

Over a Text

February 18, 2016
By Jasmine Rice BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Jasmine Rice BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate to Emma Honsowetz when she wrote about breaking up through a text. A break up should be in person not over a text or even a call, according to Emma "you deserve to know the what's happennig behind that phone," and the pain inflected. Most can relate to Emma's experience because in society the majority of the populations using their phones to connect with others and handle such matters, unfortunately may include break ups. When a relationship is ended over a takes it shows the lack of shown, and thats how Emma depicts the experience. Emma Honsowets protrays the heartache of breaking up over a text messages, which allows her to relate to her audience.

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